Variations of Roulette Bets
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by: John Patrick. Slots, Online roulette gambling articles.
Don't ever lose sight of the fact that your Bankroll dictates the size of your Session Money and the amount of your bets.If you got the bread, you can pour it in but if you don't, you've got to stay in tune with what you got to work with.

The basic play of 3 3 1 1 that was shown in the previous chapter, is the amount that everyone who has a short Bankroll should use.
Incidentally, even if you have a decent amount of Session Money, it ain't the sin of the century if you still bet the smallest amount allowed until you get a winning streak.
Everyone reading this page should come to a screeching halt right here. Go back and read that previous paragraph, as there are volumes of Discipline Theories encased in that simple sentence.
It is telling everyone who gambles,hat it is OK to bet small until he or she starts to pick up some decent returns. Ninely five percent of you won't adhere to this way of playing, but someday that sentence and that message will start to play on your mind.

If I could change you people over to believing that betting small in the beginning of your day is a powerful tool, it'd be better than getting a personal call from Sophia Loren (Well, let me think that over a moment). But you get the idea.
There are some of you who can go for higher betting patterns   so let's go for some variables: Based on $1 chips.

a.  10 to 15 4 Chips Plus $12
28 to 33 4 Chips Plus $12
1 to 6 2 Chips Even
17-18-21-21 2 Chips Plus $6

b. 10 to 15     
5 Chips   Plus $15
28 to 33
5 Chips   Plus $15
1 to 6   
3 Chips Plus $3
Quad Bet
2 Chips Plus $3

c. 10 to 15 6 Chips  Plus $17
28 to 33   
6 Chips  Plus $17
1 to 6 
4 Chips Plus $5
Quad Bet 
3 Chips Plus $8

Notice that as you increase your bets (as in c) you wrapped up a profit on any combination.
These three examples (a, b and c) are step ups in chips at risk. But even within these bets, there are variables that pop up all over the place.
Go to Example c. and look at these two off shoots:

c-1 10 to 15 6 Chips $19
28 to 33 6 Chips $19
1 to 6 3 Chips $10
17-18-21-21 2 Chips $1

c-2 10 to 15 5 Chips $13
28 to 33 5 Chips $13
1 to 6 4 Chips $7
Quad Bet 3 Chips $10

The amount of the variable is based strictly on whether you want to be a conservative or aggressive player. The double streets are still the groupings we look to for the biggest returns.
The Insurance and Quad bets are used to soften the possibility of the double streets not showing.
Just a quick glance at C 1 and C 2 shows the difference. C 1 puts the quad and insurance bets down to offsets, while making the double streets the power play.
C 2 takes on a different game plan. No matter which of those 22 numbers show   you pick up a profit of anywhere from 7 to 13 chips (while keeping the total chips at risk at exactly the same figure as C 1).
There are many ways of changing the outlay of chips on the various groupings, but that decision must be made beforehand.
I am not finished with the Action Number System, as there are many betting series that must be covered. First, I want to explain the Regression System as this method will be incorporated into our Series.

© Copyright 2005 John Patrick's material. It may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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