Do you want money mangement?
But how many are really willing to be restricted by it? Realize that money management is important, but the rules are tough to follow. The
discipline required to practice money management, puts such a lid on most people's mode of play that they refuse to abide by it.
Look up the word management in the dictionary. It's control, discipline, restriction things people hate to be imposed with. Especially when they're doing something "fun" like gambling. Do you consider it fun to give your money away? Well, that's what you'll be doing unless you know how to manage your money. Most people undergo a personality change when they enter a casino.
A guy who is too stingy to give his paperboy an occasional 25c tip for delivering his newspaper at seven o'clock every morning of the week, suddenly becomes Mister Generous by handing $5 to a cocktail waitress he's never seen before for bringing him a complimentary glass of iced tea. A boor who doesn't have the class to take his wife to a movie once a month, invites three strangers to dinner at the casino.
These people are out of control, so being confined by money management is out of the question. How about the once a month visitor who takes a shot at the tables with a $200 bankroll? Controlled betting? Forget it! Every aspect of winning each element of the BIG 4 demands some level of control:
Deciding what a proper Bankroll is, should be based on your own special circumstances. Waiting until you save that amount and then dividing it into three equal portions to finance three sessions.
Knowledge of the Game demands control on your part to practice and learn to respond automatically to each hand.
Discipline, which you still must acquire, is certainly a matter of control. The word describes behavior governed by strict rules of conduct. Controlled behavior!
Money Management is no different. It also requires control on your part. You must be willing to make all the sacrifices necessary to bring your game together.
money management, you can't be a consistent winner. There is no such thing as the BIG 3. It's
the BIG 4 or nothing!!
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